Learn VueJs

integrated with Foursquare and Google Maps

Never stop learning

By Ardani Rohman & Yessika Naftali

[Skyshi Academy - We are hiring]

Why Vuejs?

A progressive framework for building user interfaces. More detail https://vuejs.org/

Simple demo: Hello World

See Benchmark

Review Code


  1. Print Data
  2. Directive / doc
  3. Bind
  4. Filter
  5. Computed Properties and Watchers
  6. Conditional Rendering
  7. Event Handling
  8. Form Input Bindings
  9. Components
  10. Routing / full doc
  11. Vuex is state management pattern + library for Vue.js

Get started

What do we need to know?

JS Fundamental, ES6, lodash,
Vue.js, Google API, Foursquare API,
Vue-router, Vue-loader, Vuefy, HMR,
NPM, Babel, Eslint, Webpack 2
# install vue-cli
$ npm install --global vue-cli
# create a new project using the "webpack" template
$ vue init webpack 'my-project'
# install dependencies and go!
$ cd 'my-project'
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Let's start coding...
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